Being keen to experience all areas of culture, I have just returned from the cinema having seen...as advertised.. the scariest film of the year/decade/century/ever: Paranormal Activity. Or maybe it isn't. Perhaps it's just the most hyped film since the totally boring Blair Witch fiasco. I like scary films (as opposed to horror)but, like humour, what works for one person doesn't for the next.
These days, there are two problems associated with going to see a scary film: firstly, you have to find someone else who also likes to be frightened; secondly, you have to come home to an empty house. Sally and I went straight after work as it's Orange Wednesday. What a brilliant idea that is...2 for the price of 1. The timing meant that I was back indoors for 7.30 so now have all night to occupy my mind with something else. Like why is that light flashing on my turned off TV?
The best bit of the film was the audience. The place was full of screaming people followed by raucous, nervous, bordering on hysterical laughter. What a hoot! It's filmed over three weeks in someone's bedroom and as they didn't change the sheets once, they deserved everything they got. Better than Blair Witch and the last scene made even us hardened old folk gasp. Don't use this review as your bench-mark though: I can think of quite a few people who would be terrified.
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