Friday 11 September 2009

Unadulterated promotion

What can I say?

Following the last blog, little. Work lurches from one crisis to the next as folk are struck down by porcine flu which, on one hand reveals the voids that those in fear of redundancy have left by creating jobs that only they can do; but, on the other, offers opportunities for those lurking in the background. However, there is excellent news of the highest order: Morris: a life with bells on is, at last, on general release from 27th of this month. When I say 'general release', we're talking limited. However, if you go to you can watch the trailer and discover where this most wonderful film will be shown. I urge you to read the reviews and make every effort to see it. I hereby announce that I will make it my personal mission to get it shown at the glorious Rex Cinema in Wareham....the last remaining gas lit picture house in Wareham.

In the meantime, here's a little, totally unrelated, blast from the past:

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the morrismovie trailer but nearest showing is Oxford or Stratford-on-Avon to see it at 1.30pm on a Sunday. First date for Oxford already sold out!


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