The institution where I work is VERY multicultural. As far as I’m concerned this can only be a good thing: I get to meet loads of interesting people and learn much that I didn’t previously know. Naturally, there has to be a common language in order that everyone can communicate effectively and it is, of course…….Italian. I realized this earlier this morning: today being one of those special occasions when I’d saved up enough money to purchase a coffee from our in-house Costa Packet concession.
The guy at the head of the queue requested a small coffee from the ladies behind the counter who, incidentally, originate from the stories of Scheherazade:
‘What size would that be?’
‘You mean Primo?’
‘OK, Primo’.
‘What sort?’
‘Just ordinary please’.
‘You mean an Americano?’
The next guy was following this closely. Well, we all were actually given that we were all supposed to be somewhere else five minutes ago.
‘Primo expresso solo’
Got it in one, clever sod. I’d been early morning swimming and was hoping for a bacon bap with ketchup to compensate my body for the healthy shock it had received but decided I didn’t have the necessary linguistic skills. Just another Primo Americano then. The clever sod and I moved over to the milk and sugar table which is situated about three hundred feet away from the coffee shop because the Tales of the Arabian Nights crew know exactly what dangers lurk there. The last time I attempted to release the contents of the organic semi-skimmed from the avante-garde container, the lid flew off and I drowned everyone within a half-mile radius. That morning I exhibited language skills generally only used in private or when conversing with employees of Virgin Media. Today, the Solo Expresso bod kindly helped me with the jug whereupon it became obvious that he was, in fact, Italian. Well, I call that cheating.
PS. was just proof reading this which means having another look at the photo. Is he good-looking or what?
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